Up on an isolated redoubt of the Tramuntana mountains, The Olive Houses designed by mar plus ask stand in the company of millenary olive trees and massive rock formations.
The stone terrace walls and gentle trimming of the olive trees are the sole sign of human intervention in this beautiful example of Mallorquin landscape.
In one building, blush pink plaster contrasts the greenery of the trees, and also frames the huge boulder that the studio built the home around. It spills into an unexpected corner of the house, where it’s framed by an arch-shaped doorway. The second guesthouse is covered in deep purple stucco, apparently chosen to echo the underside of an olive tree leaf.
"This incredible scenic mountain area is one of the most beautiful examples we have on earth of how well wild and human-made nature can intertwine seamlessly, a rare example of a place where man has given more beauty to nature — than he has taken."