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contrapuntos by Marcelo Soria-Rodríguez

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contrapuntos by Marcelo Soria-Rodríguez
Jun 20, 2022

Contrapuntos is a generative art project minted on fxhash by Marcelo Soria-Rodríguez translates to counterpoint, a music theory term describing the relationships between lines of music.

Using counterpoint, a musician can create sonically dependent or independent lines of music that can stand alone or be loomed together into harmonious sonic textures.

"Musical counterpoint is to me an abstraction of the layered, intertwining rhythms of every activity we carry on in our lives. With a global tempo typically set in days, we fit all sorts of temporal structures where our joys and fears live and play out over the span of our lives. This series is a metaphorical transposition of the musical counterpoint into a visual space, sometimes with repeating patterns, sometimes with broken structures, sometimes isolated notes/hours/souls." — Marcelo Soria-Rodríguez

The truly beautiful aspect of this release lies precisely in the depth of variety between iterations. Each output is clearly unique from its peers yet simultaneously expresses structural similarity, or harmoniousness if you will.

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Jun 20, 2022

Contrapuntos is a generative art project minted on fxhash by Marcelo Soria-Rodríguez translates to counterpoint, a music theory term describing the relationships between lines of music.

Using counterpoint, a musician can create sonically dependent or independent lines of music that can stand alone or be loomed together into harmonious sonic textures.

"Musical counterpoint is to me an abstraction of the layered, intertwining rhythms of every activity we carry on in our lives. With a global tempo typically set in days, we fit all sorts of temporal structures where our joys and fears live and play out over the span of our lives. This series is a metaphorical transposition of the musical counterpoint into a visual space, sometimes with repeating patterns, sometimes with broken structures, sometimes isolated notes/hours/souls." — Marcelo Soria-Rodríguez

The truly beautiful aspect of this release lies precisely in the depth of variety between iterations. Each output is clearly unique from its peers yet simultaneously expresses structural similarity, or harmoniousness if you will.

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If you would like to feature your works on Thisispaper, please visit our Submission page and subscribe to Thisispaper+. Once your submission is approved, your work will be showcased to our global audience of 2 million art, architecture, and design professionals and enthusiasts.
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